March 16,2020
In light of the current outbreak of COVID-19 and the fact that the World Health Organization has now declared it a global pandemic, we at Dale Medical Center are taking all reasonable precautions to keep our community safe and informed. Based on the expanding global outbreak and guidance from experts at the CDC and Alabama Department of Public Health the following changes to hospital visitation are being implemented until further notice...
1. Visitors will be limited to 2 per patient on units and 1 per patient in the ER.
2. All visitors will be screened upon entry into the hospital. Anyone presenting with any respiratory or flu like symptoms will not be permitted to enter.
3. All visitors must have on their person a visitor ID tag.
4. No visitors under the age of 12 years of age will be permitted.
5. Access to hospital will be confined to 2 entrances. Main entrance (M-F from 7am-5pm) and the ER entrance.
6. All visitors will be required to visit a hand sanitation station upon entry and exit from the building.
Remember that healthcare professionals have been treating communicable diseases for many years, so we understand the precautions that must be taken in terms of isolating patients, limiting visitors and having our employees wear appropriate PPE. We are in daily contact with the Alabama Department of Public Health, CDC, and the Alabama Hospital Association as the COVID-19 situation evolves daily. We are committed to taking every precaution to provide for the safety of our patients, visitors and staff. Currently all services and clinics will continue to operate as usual. Should a surge of patients occur we will make the appropriate changes.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these unusual times.
Vernon L. Johnson, CEO