DMC Offers Accredited Diabetic Education Program
Through the combined efforts of the Administration and Staff at Dale Medical Center and their consultant, Universa Diabetes, LLC of Dothan, AL, The Dale Medical Center Diabetes Education & Nutrition Services was recently named an accredited diabetes education program by the American Association of Diabetes Educators. This will allow residents in and around Dale County increased access to critical diabetes education services.
Diabetes education is a collaborative process through which people with or at risk for diabetes gain the knowledge and skills needed to modify behavior and successfully self-manage the disease and its related conditions. It is provided by diabetes educators.
The Dale Medical Center Diabetes Education & Nutrition Services Program will be offering diabetes education and nutrition classes at Dale Medical Center's Outpatient Department, 126 Hospital Avenue, Ozark, Alabama 36303.
"We know how important diabetes self-management is to the diabetic community. We are grateful for the opportunity to work for the people of Dale County, Program Coordinator, Lanora Medley, RN, BSN.
Leslie E. Kolb, RN, BSN, MBA, Program Director, Diabetes Education Accreditation Program. "Dale Medical Center Diabetes Education & Nutrition Services is exactly the type of program we envisioned when we set up our accreditation program in 2009."